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How to Get a Job : How to Build a Cover Letter

A cover letter is a quick description as to why this resume is better for a particular job position than all the other resumes, so having specific job position details in it is very important. Write a cover letter specific to each job application by usingthese tips from a career adviser in this free video on job guidance. Expert: Pat Goodwin Contact: Bio: Pat Goodwin is a certified personnel consultant and a career transition consultant who has worked with hundreds of individuals over the past 20 years. Filmmaker: Todd Green
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14 Responses to “How to Get a Job : How to Build a Cover Letter”

  1. ilovestitch1000 says:

    great description! cover letter can explain what your resume cant.
    to guide you more, i would suggest watching videos on “InterviewMastermind’s” channel.
    it gives you tips and tools for writing effective cover letters and other job search correspondence.

  2. shazlamify says:

    If you need tips on how to find a better jobs there’s no better place like SUPERJOB4U . com They post lots of articles filled
    with useful tips!

  3. nibuster says:

    Pat you are the best! :)

  4. ablegreen says:

    Pat!!! marry me lol wow thank you so much

  5. easternshs says:

    I love you pat!!!! thanks :)

  6. teched246 says:

    mundane sickening drivel

  7. ThomasOrDingo says:

    Now I see where I went wrong. Thank you for your great help.

  8. felix954 says:

    A million thanks this took all the stress out of writing my cover letter.

  9. nathaleafalcon says:

    That was awesome!!

  10. LiatMGat says:

    Thank you!!!

  11. sweetandtasty says:

    thank you so much :)

  12. FreakishPancake says:

    this really helped thank you!

  13. cycla says:

    very professional advices, thank you

  14. paulr4444 says:

    this was great thank you Pat