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Can you still draw unemployment from a private job if you are turning in taxes?

My Mom just took a private job as a caregiver for some elderly folks. She will be turning in her own taxes. If she were to get fired would she be able to draw unemployment?

Image taken on 2009-02-11 12:28:52. Image Source. (Used with permission)


Are Cover Letters Still Necessary?

The short answer is that, yes, cover letters are most definitely needed in today’s market. A cover letter is your opportunity to introduce yourself to a potential employer and get them excited about reading your resume. While a well-crafted resume describes your experience, education, skills, and accomplishments, a cover letter describes you: who you are, what you can bring to the table, and how eager you are to interview for the job. Cover letters should be approximately three paragraphs-never more than one page-so get the most out of your…


If I work as a freelancer will I still be eligible for unemployment from previous job after my temp job ends?

I am currently receiving unemployment from a previous job and might have the opportunity to work for 3-4 weeks in a freelance/temporary role at a new company. I realize that during my 3-4 weeks at the freelance job that my wages will count against that week’s unemployment benefits. After I finish with my temp job, will I still be able to receive unemployment?

Image taken on 2007-08-23 13:33:30. Image Source. (Used with permission)


Can I still collect unemployment benefits if I take an offer for a job that doesn’t start right away?

I’m currently receiving unemployment benefits while job searching, and a couple positions that I’ve interviewed for won’t start for a month or so. I’m wondering if I can still collect unemployment benefits after I accept a job offer but before I start the job.

Image taken on 2007-08-23 13:33:30. Image Source. (Used with permission)


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