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I work part time and collect unemployment. Can i go from one part time job to another and still collect unempl?

I work at Starbucks part time and collect unemployment. Can i quit Starbucks and get another part time job? Will this affect my unemployment, if i am going from one job to another? On my weekly sheet it just asks hours and place i worked. Will they stop my check and make me have a phone interview for just swtching jobs?

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3 Responses to “I work part time and collect unemployment. Can i go from one part time job to another and still collect unempl?”

  1. rejectedsoul says:

    no you cant quitting a job forfeits your right to benefits

  2. Brenda says:

    Quite possible. But that’s for the Department of Labor to decide. Just call or go to, .org, whatever, and that could proabably help too. Good Luck.

  3. David says:

    Good question.
    If you quit one part-time job to work a different part-time job (with the same amount of hours, more or less) AND neither of those jobs is anything like you were working before your layoff (like, you were an engineer or doctor, etc.), then it may be possible that you’d be OK.
    I’d check with your state.