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Child Psychologist Jobs – Career Explained

Child psychologist careers have become more important and more complex in recent decades, especially as the field has expanded to become more focused on developmental psychology, an area which scientifically studies the systematic psychological changes over the course of human life. Child psychologist jobs revolve around the mental and social development of children and adolescents. Some child psychologists work directly with children, counseling them and helping them through challenging life stages. Others concentrate more on research into childhood development with a focus on areas such as learning disabilities and juvenile crime. And others do both. No matter which area of focus you might choose, child psychologist careers are essential and rewarding jobs.

Most people who are interested in this career want to know about the child psychologist salary, but it can vary greatly. In an entry level position right out of college, child psychologist jobs may pay between $30,000 and $45,000 a year depending on the geographic location and job environment. After five or ten years of experience, child psychologists typically earn between $55,000 and $80,000 a year. And after ten or more years in this challenging career, professional child psychologists can earn as much as $100,000 a year.

It is important to understand exactly what child psychologists careers entail. These are not psychiatrists or medical doctors, so they cannot prescribe medication. However, working in the role of counselor, they can help children cope with complex issues and help them adjust to medications that have been prescribed by a doctor. Child psychologists may work in schools helping children with adjustment, behavioral and developmental issues. They may also work in courts where children and families are coping with difficult issues such as divorce, child custody and allegations of abuse or other crimes against children that have allegedly been committed.

Child psychologists must complete a graduate degree, in most cases a doctoral degree in psychology, and complete the required number of supervised training hours before becoming licensed to work in this field. It is a difficult job that is not right for every kind of personality. However, if you care about children’s development and are able to remain objective, you will get many rewards from this career.

Institutions offering quality Child Psychology Programs include University of Phoenix, Argosy University, South University, Brown Mackie College and Hesser College.

Find the perfect Psychology School or Child Psychology Program today and start your path to a rewarding career. offering complete information about top psychology schools,colleges and university of USA that are offering best psychology degree programs in various disciplines.

Image taken on 2010-01-26 22:49:52. Image Source. (Used with permission)

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