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How to do a Job Search in no particular city?

I’m an Office Manager and Senior Executive Assistant with a current security clearance (secret) and military background. I want to search for a job, but in no particular city. How do I do that? Normally when job searching, you search for a job in a particular city. I just want to put my resume out there and see what feedback I get. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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7 Responses to “How to do a Job Search in no particular city?”

  1. De says:

    some times on those websites for jobs just put in what you are looking for and not the area…

    Good luck

  2. reinkefj says:

    Dear “i_squeeze”:

    Isn’t there an funny proverb about when you don’t have a destination any road is the right way?

    As I understand it, you don’t have a geographic preference. And, just want to see what’s available?

    Well, I’d suggest that you have to get a better objective in mind. Are you looking for a bigger leadership role or just a bigger executive to assist? I think you can “put yourself out there” in different ways to put your toe in the water.

    Consider some strategies that are not “throwing up” your resume and seeing what sticks. Toastmasters, peer networking, and “never eat lunch alone” type activities. On the computer side, you can do Facebook, LinkedIn, and other sites that allow you to build a community of interest. On the personal side, there are blogs like Kent B’s that help you “build your brand”, Yahoo groups like MyLInkedInPower forum where you can connect to a diverse audience, and even my own modest “turkey farm” for some ideas.

    I have a bunch of likes of interest below.

    I think my answer is that you need an objective first.

    Hope this helps. I’m interested how it works out for you. Drop me a note sometime. My blog may have helpful “stuff”.

    Ferdinand J. Reinke
    Kendall Park, NJ 08824

    Webform that creates an urgent email =>
    Web page =>
    My blog =>
    LinkedIn url =>

  3. ua1hlu 4 says:

    My clients have used a couple of job search sites with success: and
    They usually have jobs the “Big Boys’ don’t.

  4. 352yu9 p says:

    My clients have used a couple of job search sites with success: and
    They usually have jobs the “Big Boys’ don’t.

  5. 1n72rp d says:

    My clients have used a couple of job search sites with success: and
    They usually have jobs the “Big Boys’ don’t.

  6. xroex1 2 says:

    My clients have used a couple of job search sites with success: and
    They usually have jobs the “Big Boys’ don’t.

  7. fbvgce l says:

    My clients have used a couple of job search sites with success: and
    They usually have jobs the “Big Boys’ don’t.

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