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Perfect Phrases for Cover Letters

  • ISBN13: 9780071454063
  • Condition: NEW
  • Notes: Brand New from Publisher. No Remainder Mark.

Product Description

Whether it’s interviewing for a job, evaluating employee performance, setting goals for the future, or keeping customers happy, the Perfect Phrases series has the tools for precise, effective business communication. Distilling complex ideas into specific phrases that diplomatically and honestly depict the concepts at hand, this invaluable series provides:

  • Ways to enhance customer service in any business
  • Dialogues and scripts to practice interactions with customers or employees–tailorable to any industry or company culture
  • The best answers to a wide range of interview questions
  • Tips for documenting performance issues and conducting face-to-face reviews

The ideal reference for anyone trying to create the most professional and polished cover letter possible, this book offers phrases that help create a strong first impression for prospective employers.

Perfect Phrases for Cover Letters

One Response to “Perfect Phrases for Cover Letters”

  1. Mr. Betrus claims to be an experienced recruiter, and perhaps he is. Honestly, I sincerely hope he does at least an acceptable job as a human resources specialist than he does as a writer. This is a sloppily written book, full of carelessness and averagely-written phrases. I still cannot comprehend how a company of the caliber of McGraw Hill has sponsored it. When an author himself admits not to be particularly gifted at writing, he should then, in my opinion, avoid the exercise altogether. Only then can the reader who desperately needs advice on how to compose the perfect cover letter be spared the use of mundane expressions like “a lot of” over and over in his or her writing.

    For someone who preaches über-revision throughout the job application experience, the pièce de résistance for summa cum sloppiness came for me when on page 37, fictionalized (?) job-seeker Cynthia E. Goodman states that she and his wife went to see “The Phantom of the Opera” together, where she / he (?) met the potential recruiter to whom the letter is directed. As much as I want to think the author is a staunch supporter of gay rights, the statement represents to me the epitome of a job poorly done with total disregard to detail. Even when here and there the book suggests a good idea to incorporate in a cover letter, they are by no means nothing stellar. In fact, I have found much better suggestions on cover letter writing on books that are not necessarily fully targeted to the task, such as “How to land a top-paying federal job” by Lily Whiteman. Please consult other sources and skip this one, unless of course, you want to be thought of as ordinary and utterly replaceable while trying to land a job of any kind. You’ll be wise to dump this one into the trash can, as I did.
    Rating: 1 / 5

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