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Multiple Questions (SAT, Job, Career) Please Help with any topic.?

I live in southern California and in desperate need of a job.
Can you help me find A job ? (I’m 17)

I want to know how and what are the best ways to prepare for the SAT’s, (Im aware of costs, thats why I want the job)

I will be a senior next year and have decent grades with a vague Idea for a future career.
Is there a location or people I can talk to for career planning?

If you can only help me with one question thats great (at least you helped right?)

Thanx In advanced… (No B.s. answers please)

Image taken on 2009-04-16 12:57:04. Image Source. (Used with permission)

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One Response to “Multiple Questions (SAT, Job, Career) Please Help with any topic.?”

  1. Laurie W says:

    1. For a job, look on or Career Also you may want to visit the career center of any local community college. Set up an appointment to meet with a career counselor. They can help you find career focus and look over your resume. Most community college employees also work with the general public.

    2. Go to this is the website designed by the makers of the SAT’s they have a whole section called resources for test takers. Practice tests, tips etc. (I teach a GRE prep class – like the SAT’s but for Graduate school, and almost everything I teach is also on their website) Save yourself some cash!

    3. See answer to question one. Also if you are still in high school – talk to your guidance counselor. They have lots of experience in the area. Good Luck!

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