Job Search Tip – Rethink Your Options and Opportunities in the Job Market

Sometimes we allow personal circumstances to trap us, and this goes for our job searches and career plans as well. For instance, you will hear comments about locations being an unreasonable commute which narrows a job seeker’s focus until he misses the opportunity that is right in front of him. The real question every job seeker should ask is:  How do you free yourself up to economically win and survive in good times and in bad? This article offers suggestions to get “fit” for your job search.

This article is not about downsizing your expectations from a job. This article is about making you more able to capture a job that suits your abilities, your experience, and your pay grade.

First, now may be the time to unload the house. If your home has become the boat anchor that keeps you from getting the job you want because you can’t move or you can’t cope with the commute to locations that offer opportunity, you may need to change your living formula. After all, isn’t job security and career growth worth the peace of mind they will buy? If your marriage is strained by job stress, this may be the medicine that the doctor ordered.

Second, think about moves that may be unorthodox. For example, if you work in the power industry, maybe a move to a local, state, or federal government job is available. Or, perhaps an overseas opportunity is possible because of some special skills you have. In particular, if you have some language skills you can brush up on, there are global opportunities that may surprise you. Developing countries like China, India, Brazil and locations in the Middle East are starved for infrastructure talent. The U.S. is greatly respected in many career areas. Perhaps the time has come to “export” your own skills. Not only can you pay the bills, but the tax advantages could prove dramatic.

Third, make sure you have really accurately assessed your skills. Are you aware of all the opportunities that may fit your experience? Broadening the scope of potential opportunities can create a significant new option for you. If you are in construction and maintenance, maybe a lateral move supporting the health care industry will move you away from stagnating or shrinking opportunities toward growing, robust ones.

Often times, we limit ourselves. Taking the time to uncover issues, perceptions, and blinders that may be limiting you could be just what your job search needs. Consider what you haven’t considered. Considere what keeps you from broadening your perspective. Throw off the shackles and put your job search in high gear!

Peggy McKee owns Career Confidential a job search coaching site for top sales talent, sales management, marketing and service personnel! Peggy’s 10+ years as a top recruiter and owner at PHC Consulting filling roles for leading national companies gives her proven perspective on the process. Visit http://job-search-success-secrets.com/customer-feedback.htm to see testimonials of real job hunting success stories.

Image taken on 2009-09-30 00:00:43. Image Source. (Used with permission)

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