Question by lilknacker: Creating a cover letter/resume for job that I have no experience in?
Hello all. I’m having a difficulty writing a cover letter and tailoring my resume for a position that I have absolutely no experience for. It’s for a marketing assistant and they are looking for someone who meets the following: Creative skills in layout, typography and photo editing, the ability to conceptualize creative materials for presentation and development, experience in managing web content.
I really want this job. I do consider myself creative, but alas, my past three jobs had absolutely no creativity whatsoever. I do take photographs and write on the side, but I don’t know how to incorporate that or if I even should.The last time I had to deal with layouts, typography and photo editing was 8 years ago in high school yearbook.
Please help!

Best answer:

Answer by simon_says1980
List the programs/software that you know how to use and you could also probably include the work you did on the yearbook, although yo udon’t necessary have to put the year. Perhaps, just the school name, so that way it won’t say that itw as 8 years ago.

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2 Responses to “Q&A: Creating a cover letter/resume for job that I have no experience in?”

  1. prettykittyxx67 says:

    list good referances

  2. Christin K says:

    I would mention my personal abilities and strengths, but do not lie about experience. You have almost no chance of getting this job if you’ve never had any experience, unless you can meet with the employer and convince him or her to take a chance on a completely unskilled employee. *(quick answer: they won’t. Not in this job market.)*
    You can’t–as a famous Vice-presidential candidate once said–put lipstick on a pig and call it a hockey mom.

    Seriously–why are you applying for a job in which you have had no experience?