Online Job Search – Finding A Job Efficiently And Quickly

Changing jobs and finding jobs are relatively easier these days. The reasons may be varied, the economy, the downturn in development, in business or plain and simple wanting to change.

If you are employed, or possibly on a list likely to be laid off, then that it is the right time to look for jobs. Don’t leave your present employment, or get put off by a likely layoff. Use that time and find the energy to screen jobs that appeal to you.

You can use a variety of tools that can land you a job fairly quickly. You can scan the newspaper ads: mind you, don’t miss the classifieds, and do not keep your focus only on the larger ads that appear. The classified are a good source because in difficult circumstances, the employers are also trying to save money. Scrutinise them closely to see whether they meet your requirements.

Get to an employment agency or agencies. Hand out your well written resumes to them, and find time to sit with them to explore possibilities, within your present location, and at other locations. They are the guys who know which company is looking for what kind of talent. And their network is vast. They could find a job for you in another location. You have to be willing to relocate. Employment agencies are recommended because companies use them too. So you have a very good chance in landing the right job.

Another alternative are the various websites which offer employment advice and notices for a fee. Try the internet, and use them. If you don’t know such sites, you can always use the search engines, and type in employment agencies, and if you are interested in a particular place, include that in your search. It will throw up a number of them, some of them specializing in your kind of employment and experience.

Another way would be to inform your friends, relatives, and associates (not those employed with you), that you are looking, and looking seriously. Most jobs often are passed on by word of mouth, and maybe you could get lucky.

If you are interested in particular companies, it does not hurt to call them, and get their email ids, and send them your resume, with a covering letter. Most of the companies have websites, and they entertain online recruitment forms. Fill as many as you can, taking care that you do meet the requirements. That increases your chances.

You can of course walk into companies and see the HR Managers. HR Managers are constantly scanning CVs for themselves. And if you get your resume right, you would be entertained.

Above all, in these efforts, have patience, and keep your cool. Worrying does not help; action does.

Always tell the truth in your resume, in your interviews, and in every interaction. That is appreciated very much, and establishes your integrity right away.

To summarise, you should use all your resources to find a job before you leave. That’s important. Doing a job search before you leave.

So here’s wishing you luck in your hunt for a good job!

Abhishek is a Career Counselor and he has got some great Career Planning Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 71 Pages Ebook, “Career Planning Made Easy!” from his website http://www.Career-Guru.com/769/index.htm . Only limited Free Copies available.

Image taken on 2009-04-16 13:01:52. Image Source. (Used with permission)

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