So… You Want to be Promoted…And Make a Few Bucks Too!

Product Description
I’ve seen so many people in corporate America who have been working for 10, 15, 20, 30 years and are dead locked in a “go nowhere” position and making a pitiful salary. When I first began working in the corporate world I had dreams of making a six figure salary and living a comfortable life. My dreams were quickly shattered when I took a close look at those individuals and found that most were in mid-level positions and making mediocre salaries at best…

A promotion can make the…


Using Free Resume Samples – Tips To Create The Winning Resume

The net will provide you with a number of free samples to make a better resume for yourself. Make use of these samples so that you can modify your resumes and also add twists to it or make it more contemporary. The one good thing about the free resumes on the net is that you can develop your own style, make your own resume and change the preferences and also find out from other what they think of it and also what more is needed and the things that…


Common Resume Errors – Overusing Bullets

This is a continuation of a series of short videos examining common resume errors made by college students and recent grads. Please note that the resume sample in the video contains multiple errors, though each video deals with only one of the errors. This video appears on the Sweet Careers blog at sweetcareers.blogspot.com
Rating: 0 | Views: 9


How to Fill in a Resume Template: Your Contact Information

Rating: 0 | Views: 44


Does Job Hopping Help?

To hop or not to hop, that is the question. These days people change jobs much more frequently. The belief for the employee is that if you change jobs more often, you can more rapidly increase your job responsibility, your income, and your experience. Sometimes this works. It can also be that by trying many jobs in your early years, you can find a happier situation, one that you would like to remain in for some years.

But it also happens that employers sometimes become reluctant to hire someone…


Create a Five-step Plan for Job Search Success

Finding work that you love, that also meets your financial needs, doesn’t happen by accident. It requires a well-thought plan of action and an intense level of commitment.

According to April 2008 figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, the length of the typical job search is 16.9 weeks. Most jobseekers are not mentally, emotionally, or financially prepared for the hard realities of the current job market.

A dismal economy punctuated by the worse job loss in years has resulted in a volatile,…


BLS Unemployment Reporting Misconceptions

with current figures is deceptive. Shadowstats attempts to revise the current measures so we can compare with the historical data and get a better picture of where we actually are. Again this is just more of the “not as bad as we expected” phenomenon. Karl Denninger has this to say: market-ticker.denninger.net zerohedge had this post: zerohedge.blogspot.com shadowstats adjusted information (scroll down to employment) www.shadowstats.com … Unemployment “job losses” BLS trickery manipulation …
Rating: 5 | Views: 171


Resume Writing Tips : How to Address Employment Gaps in a Resume

Address employment gaps on a resume by minimizing their ability to stand out and using a functional resume, which groups employment history into categories. Learn to emphasize job responsibilities to fill in employment gaps with the help of a management executive in this free video about writing job resumes. Expert: Gloria Dixon Campbell Bio: Gloria Dixon Campbell has an executive MBA in management from the University of South Florida, and a BA in Sociology from the University of West …
Rating: 0 | Views: 293


How do I get cover letter template on Microsoft Word?

Image taken on 2009-02-19 12:07:25. Image Source. (Used with permission)


Job Search Personal Marketing Plan – Target Company List

Your list of Target Companies should be composed of companies that fit your Professional Objective and Positioning Statement and fall into your Target Market. This is where the jobs best suited to you are, and therefore where you should conduct the central focus of your job hunting and networking efforts. Here is a video that will teach you how to build the right list of Target Companies.
Rating: 5 | Views: 1895


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